Madrid, 11 February 2020

It’s been wild!  You may ask: “who, why and what about?!”….  well, the truth of the matter is,  it’s just an expression!  Wild in the sense  that like the last time, it’s  been 4 years again!!!,  since the last  time  I  updated this page… but,  I rely  on the saying that  goes,  “Better be late than  never,  or never at all!”. In those past 4 years,  there had  been a lot of things that went on.  But,  I am not going  to talk about them right now.  There will be another moment… and I  promise that  youn will soon be reading this page again because  I am going to be writing a lot about what transpired in the last 4 years.. so many  things  to talk about,  events,  what have I  done, where I went,  what has come up of  me…

True enough,  there are lots and lots of matters that  I could share with  all of  you.  So please  bear with me and I shall be  posting them  all  the next time I set my fingers on  the keyboard and start writing about  the events that came about  in the last 4 years. You’ve  got to hang on fellas and be patient… I’ll be getting back  to you with a number of stuff that came to pass.. Of course, they were all interesting…So, hope  you come back to my blog and as we say  here in Spain,  “Hasta luego!!  Estamos en contacto!”



Madrid, 6 September 2016

Wow!!,  it  took me  a good 4 years  to update  this page.  With reference to my  last write-up that had something  to do with  the  “end-of-the-world”  predictions of the Mayans and the rest of the doomsday  prophets,  let me say  that there is only one being  that (I had to use  this definite article,  adverb, conjunction, pronoun and adjective  “that” instead of what  could be the normal “who”,  since I would like to make reference to God, Almighty),   could  decide on when the world  ends.  I guess I made my point clear. 

Many  events have  transpired since  the  last  time  I  updated this  page  and  one of those  events marked  an  important  transition  in my life.   The most important  occurred  in November  2015,  when I  underwent  a  multiple heart-bypass operation.   Well I  survived  it,  so  here am I writing  once  more.  The  others were less significant though very  important  and life-changing, one of them is when I went through  a separation two years  ago. And the others were minor  events not  worth mentioning.  But  despite  the “downs”,  there  were “ups”. One good event  happened  this  year 2016, when  I represented  Spain in  the Speech Contest  held in Luxembourg  for District 59 Toastmasters International Speech Contest. Though  I didn’t  land in the finals,  but,  I was a “winner” in a way –  to myself..   Other good things  happen,  I  travelled to Geneve, Paris  and Milan with my  two  sons together with my two sisters and their families.  I was  in Athens  this month, and  had  a  spectacular  moment  when I  had  a casual  chance  to  take a photo with  Pau Gasol   while exiting  Athens  airport. 

Events happen, without a warning,  without us knowing that they’d come to be  but,  I take  matters  lightly,  and  let  myself  be inspired  by  what  Steve Jobs said, and I quote : “Sometimes  life hits you in the head with a brick,  but,  don’t lose faith”.

True enough,  my faith in living  my  life to the hilt had become my theme,  my faith in God  during  my moments  of trials…had allowed me to push  through,  my  faith in building  a  good future  is  underway…. I didn’t  lose  faith though  I  continue  to  struggle,  to fight  for  life,  why?. I  remind myself  that  “it  doesn’t  matter  how many  times  one  falls,  what  matters most  is how many  times one stood  up  after  each  fall”.  And to bring this article to a close  I would like to quote Winston Churchill,  who said,  “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”.  And  I say  “Live your life the way you want to live  it”… Bye for now.


“Reach and  be reached”,  is  the theme of this  blog.



Please  be  on the look out for the  Quiz contest that we are going to stage soon.  Just  to give you an idea,  1st prize  is  a round-trip ticket  from any  point of origin to  Madrid,Spain. 2nd prize shall be  another  ticket   from any city you live to another city in the country  you are  based in. Then we are giving away consolation prizes which we shall announced  when the most opportuned time comes.  So please watch out for all this…Thanks  to all. 

11 thoughts on “About FILIPINOSAROUND/Que es…

  1. this is a good idea , it will helps a lot to all filipinos , this website we can voice out all our suggestion to all OFW.

    Thank you Batch Eric.

    Sincerely Yours:
    Alejandro Paligutan Pilon
    Training, Tech’l. Support & Quality Department
    Al-Majdouie Hyundai Motors
    Dammam 91, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    Tel. No. : 966- 38198608
    Mobile No. : 966-508042592

    1986 to 1996 Technician at Al -Futtaim Motors Toyota
    Al ain Abudhabi U.A.E.

    ERJHS Batch “72 Eulogio Rodriguez Jr. High ScHool
    Mayon st. La Loma Quezon City

    Philippines College of Arts & Trade,San Marcelino
    Metro Manila Philippines
    Church : New Life Christian Church ( Full Gospel)
    Araneta Center Caloocan City
    Metro Manila ,Philippines
    Philippines address: North Poblacion, Bucay Abra


    1. Thanks a lot Alex.. Although I know that it will still take time to reach the objectives of the blog, but surely we will take things step-by-step. And I hope this medium of communication could really serve to benefit a lot of Filipinos abroad and at home, to learn more about our own “kababayan” abroad. All the best to you and to the rest of the other Filipinos in Damman. ..Eric


    1. Thanks for your comments. Doing my best to share ideas with people and I am very glad to hear beautiful words of encouragement as you did.. and would really appreciate if you read on again in the coming days…


  2. Buenos días,

    les escribo desde la dirección de la MAAM-Muestra de Antropología Audiovisual de Madrid- organizada por el Museo Nacional de Antropología (MInisterio de Cultura) para invitarles a la proyeccion de la pelicula documental “Ta Acorda Ba Tu El Filipinas?”

    La proyección es el jueves día 19 de mayo 2022 a las 18.00h en el Salón de Actos del Museo Nacional de Antropología de Madrid.



    Les adjunto información y les pediría que se hagan eco en sus redes sociales.


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